Monday, September 20, 2010

Dinner: It's not pretty, but it tastes great.

Simple salmon with avocado shrimp and roasted cauliflower.

Salmon: Pan cook in a small amount of coconut oil, sprinkled with tarragon and lemon juice.
Avocado Shrimp: Pan cook shrimp and onions in a small amount of coconut oil, garlic, and dill. Add to a bowl of chopped avocado. Good warm, but for some reason I prefer this cold.
Roasted Cauliflower: Based on the recipe in the Primal Cookbook. Roast cauliflower in a tiny bit of olive oil and a sprinkle of salt in an oven pan at 450 degrees. This takes about 10-15 min. Dry roast walnuts & hazelnuts in a dry pan on medium to medium-high heat. The recipe calls for medium-high, but since I'm a bit ADHD I prefer lower heats to keep from burning things when I get distracted by shiny things. Remove from heat before nuts are completely roasted. The sauce is lemon juice, dijon mustard, and coconut milk, I didn't measure the amounts. Mix in the cauliflower and nuts and black pepper to taste.

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