Thursday, September 30, 2010

Salad for dinner.

To be honest, I'm not sure how this is going to taste, but it's an experiment. I put a bunch of things in a bowl that all sounded good at the time. Spinach base topped with tomatoes, strawberries, a tiny sprinkle of feta, avocado, cashews, red onions, and smoked salmon. Here goes nothing!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Dinner: It's not pretty, but it tastes great.

Simple salmon with avocado shrimp and roasted cauliflower.

Salmon: Pan cook in a small amount of coconut oil, sprinkled with tarragon and lemon juice.
Avocado Shrimp: Pan cook shrimp and onions in a small amount of coconut oil, garlic, and dill. Add to a bowl of chopped avocado. Good warm, but for some reason I prefer this cold.
Roasted Cauliflower: Based on the recipe in the Primal Cookbook. Roast cauliflower in a tiny bit of olive oil and a sprinkle of salt in an oven pan at 450 degrees. This takes about 10-15 min. Dry roast walnuts & hazelnuts in a dry pan on medium to medium-high heat. The recipe calls for medium-high, but since I'm a bit ADHD I prefer lower heats to keep from burning things when I get distracted by shiny things. Remove from heat before nuts are completely roasted. The sauce is lemon juice, dijon mustard, and coconut milk, I didn't measure the amounts. Mix in the cauliflower and nuts and black pepper to taste.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Fun with your food.

Last night's dinner was "fun with food." Playing with your food makes it happy! Fresh squash from Monika's garden, rutabaga greens from 3M's garden, and red kale with a weiner from Whole Foods.

Dinner tonight was my first attempt at authentic Chinese cooking. It's sorta convoluted, but here's how the story goes... My dad's Chinese wife's mother is living with them. This last time I visited she introduced me to the glorious world of sweet potato noodles. Needless to say, they rock my world. She taught how to cook with these noodles. It does take a bit of extra time, but the payoff is totally worth it.

: Buy the sweet potato noodles at any Asian food store. While you're there, pick up some fish sauce, tamari*, and baby bok choy.

Prep: The noodles need to soak before you cook them, so put them in a bowl of cool water while you prepare the veggies and meat. In this meal, I used turnips (fresh from 3M's garden), carrots, asparagus, and turkey (from a chopped up turkey burger) to make the main dish. This is mostly because this is what was in my house. It turned out DELICIOUS. Slice the veggies into thin strips. I'm sure there's a way to use a food processor to do this, but I haven't figured that out yet. Separate the bok choy leave/stalks from the "root" of the stalk. I also sliced up some squash (from Monika's garden) to cook with the bok choy. Cut the meat into thin strips.

In two pans
Pan #1: Cook the squash first and add the bok choy when mostly done in a little fish sauce, olive oil, and tamari*, and water**.
Pan #2: Cook the veggie mix in the same types of sauces, oil, and water. Once cooked, set aside on a plate. Cook the meat in the same types of sauces & oil until mostly done. Then set aside with the veggies. Cook the noodles in the same types of sauces, oil, and water. This is the slightly tricky part. Only add a little water at the start. Stir continuously. Add a little more water each time the water begins to run out in the pan. Repeat this until the noodles are cooked, then add the meat and veggies back into the pan and mix it all together. It should only take a minute to finish cooking the meat and then you're done.

*Tamari is gluten free soy sauce, not strictly paleo, but much better than straight soy sauce - plus I use less than a tea spoon in each pan. You don't need a whole lot of any of the sauces, just enough to add some flavor. (I'm looking for another option instead of the tamari, but haven't found it yet).
**You don't need a whole lot of water, either. This is just to keep it from drying out and sticking to the pans.